Mr. Rajesh Shrestha, dreamer of a beautiful Nepal, has been continuously involved in tourism trade since 1991. He has started 'Tushita Group' business in order to support NPO Tushita-Nepal and various projects related to nature conservation, education and empowerment. Imbued with the feeling "Hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray" he is striving for the good changes in the society. He knows the present political imbroglio / the miserable condition of Nepal from the very proximity and the serene solution too. One can know his feeling once you go through the article and appeal written from his inner heart.
At present, receiving blessing from almighty Guru Gorakshanatha, Mr. Shrestha has established Tushita-Nepal meditation center (an ideal home for spiritual awakening) in order to discover the mysterious creation of nature, to understand life and the world, to perceive eternal truth, bliss and beauty and Tushita Nepal for the noble cause. People cannot laugh by heart; it is the biggest problem of modern world. Here, realizing the true essence of living, travelers will know the secret of peace and happiness because Tushita-Nepal teaches "The Art of Living and Dying". It has nine rooms named after nine planets and magnificent Annapurna Himalayan range can be seen just in-front. We are amidst the nature; far from the madding crowd for achieving utmost inner tranquility.
......... In pursuit of prudent human-being
Rajesh Shrestha (Yogi Panchavedi) is the pioneer of:
Eco Resort and Eco farming in Pokhara
Tushita Organic Restaurant
Natural Products - fair trade shop
Yogalaya (Yoga and meditation school)
Freelance writer, photographer, book writer, music composer
Visiting lecturer in several universities of Nepal and Japan
But, now he closed all the seven companies and established Tushita-Nepal retreat resort for the noble cause . After a long wrestle, the mother-nature taught him the secret of bliss and beauty. He has completed 999 days Yoga and Meditation on Nagpanchami and started a retreat resort amidst the nature- meant for those who are in pursuit of happiness and peace.
AUTHENTIC YOGA-MEDITATION as taught by Almighty Guru Gorakshanath (Bhakti Yoga, Gyana Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga and obviously Hatha yoga the father of all the yoga types.
Please go through the classic interview taken with Yogi Panchavedi
NOBLE KNOWLEDGE: Vedas are the source of great knowledge beyond human intellect. High level discourse in Bhagawat Geeta and innumerable verse quoted in Vedas are certainly the first hand knowledge books- so that you shall be able to answer to anybody...Hundred of confusions / dilemmas related to religion-yoga- spirituality will go out from your mind. You shall lean- What is yoga? What are the limbs of yoga? Why is it important? Chakra closing and opening, Mudras & Mantras, How to purify mind & body? How to make our ancestors happy and receive blessing? Importance of Architecture (Vastushastra- fengsui), Little knowledge about Astrology and Ayurveda too..What is the difference between happy & peace, difference between relaxation and realization etc. Does and don'ts related to spirituality. Why must not we call Guru or Baba to humans? Why must not we rotate temple clock wise? What is the law of nature? Karmic action, What does Vedic Sanatan Dharma mean? What is spirituality? Why are we unhappy? Anatomy of human body, How is the world operated? Difference between Tantra-Mantra- Yantra, Training for making Simple Mandala Yantra, What are Yuga- era/ eons? Why is NAGAS (King of serpents) important in our life? Who is Sat Guru Gorakh - Shiva & Gorakh? Who created universe? Do we really die? Who we are? What is the purpose of like? How is GOD look like? How to find? What are the 3 Great Realization etc.