The Six Exclusive wisdom books

Sat Guru Gorakh!

This is Rajesh Shrestha, spiritual master, mystic and musician at TUSHITA-NEPAL (The School of Life) .

People are fed up with so-called scholars’ opinions and seeking inner peace and highest intellectual pursuits. These books are of great worth because of guidance received from the time-traveller and quotes from the original Vedic texts.

Certainly, the mother earth is in deep pain and we are immensely affected too. We are on the verge of desolation. However, as the saying- “every black cloud has a silver lining and chaos is meant for big change.” Obviously, it is inevitable for balancing nature and restoring peace. Great change is happening in the world. Now, the pathetic situation compels people to seek lost path and the Vedic wisdom. Eventually, Shrestha-Muni completed 6 exclusive books for awakening entire human beings. These 4 exclusive wisdom pages will answer most of the life quests and mysterious phenomena.


It is a great loss to humans when they cannot laugh by heart. They are poor people who cannot sleep, breathe and move. The topic ‘why are people unhappy? 'is the most discussed topic all over the world. Many philosophers have expressed different views but without understandable reasons. However, there is no single answer for this question. Many things are entangled, muffled which has made life very mysterious. Problem has arisen for not knowing the operating system of the mysterious body- not getting a manual book. The book explains free will issues, life purpose, the difference between happiness and peace, reasons for unhappiness and its solution so that we move towards the noble path of attaining inner peace.


It is the translation of important Vedic verses as explained in Vedas. It explains Gravity, Tantra, Aum, serpent energy, Bubble universe, the cosmic law, mysterious body mechanism, incarnation, who we are, purpose of life, our duties – responsibilities, future prediction etc. As you know, Veda is the source of all the literature, religious texts and scientific discoveries. Needless to ask, what is in Veda? Simple answer is – what is not in Veda? Astrology, Astronomy, Ayurveda, Yoga-Mediation, Vastushastra (Fengshui), life quests, Creation of the universe, tantra- mantra, purification- rituals and the meaning of religious symbols etc. everything is described in Veda. It is the source of all the wisdoms we have heard of. In short, for scientist physics is Veda, for a musician music is Veda and for a spiritual seekers divine wisdom is Veda. Indeed, it is a way of life and the constitution of whole human beings.


Explains the Sinarchia Kingdom, human origin, energy centers of the Himalaya, Mystery of Pyramid and Bermuda Triangle, Holy Mt. Kailas, Sanskrit language, Rishimunis: the Vedic scientists and their inventions, Shambhala (Agartha) and the importance of Nepal for all human beings. 'Crown of the world Nepal' is a window to peep the beautiful world here and beyond. It is an encyclopedia for those who were wondering about human civilization and the source of noble wisdom. The book reveals the unsolved mysteries such as; Holy Mt. Kailash, Stonehenge, Pyramid, Bermuda Triangle, NAZCA LINES, Atlantis, Annunaki, Paracas Candelabro, Sumerians, sapiens- a brief history of humankind etc. The book gives a deep insight on various interesting topics effacing misconceptions regarding yoga-meditation, spirituality, religious beliefs and all the boxes of religions. One needs to think that Nepal is not a geographical-political country but a spiritual energy center.


From the dawn of human civilization, people used to look at the Sun, moon, stars and galaxies and put forth questions on wonderful creations. Similarly, people used to ponder upon the mysterious mechanism of our body-mind and soul too. What sort of energy makes us able to think, lungs to breathe, hearts to palpitate? Such deep questions about life and the world have baffled scholars around the world. The concept of consciousness has become the most complicated subject for thinkers, philosophers and scientists. The great scientists like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking were tired from deep research. Their limited knowledge could not find the concrete answer to nature's amazing creation. The book talks about the source of quantum physics, cosmic logo, inner world, dimensions, how the world is operated, inevitability of serpent energy, Kalki Avatar etc. Nonetheless, I have tried to explain in understandable language by quoting Sanskrit Verses from Veda.


Yogi Patanjali formulated Yog sutras for a disciplined life and overall wellbeing of humans. Patanjali Yog-sutras are the collection of 196 Sanskrit Sutras (aphorisms) on the theory of yoga and meditation. The Sutras, in Sanskrit, literally means a thread that holds together and metaphorically refers to an aphorism (formulae). Patanjali’s yog-sutra is the most ancient philosophy on yoga, meditation and spirituality. It describes the core principle of peaceful living. It is so sad that people do know that Yogi Patanjali emerged in Bhojpur district of Nepal around 1,500 BC. And, 1500 BC is considered as the modern time in Nepal. It is so sad that westerners did not know about Yog-Dhyan till Swami Vivekananda delivered a lecture at the parliament of the world's religion in Chicago in 1993. May all of you understand that Swami Vivekananda was not a Hindu or an Indian but an ardent follower of Vedic Sanatan Dharma (universal religion) born in West Bengal which is inside Greater Nepal. Still, there is a place named ‘Nepalgunj’ meaning sea-port of Nepal. His teachings were based on Vedic texts, Bhagawat Geeta and Patanjali Yog-Sutara. Long later, westerners started realizing the inevitability of Yog-Dhyan for a peaceful life only after the late 70's / 80's. And, now the entire humanity is in thirst for drinking elixir of Yog-Dhyan (Yoga-Meditation).


’Bhagawat Geeta’ meaning "songs of the divine" is the divine communion of truth- realization between human and God. Entire wisdom of the cosmos has been packed into 700 concise verses bearing timeless and universal messages to human beings. Oh! Yes, Bhagawat Geeta is the oldest, greatest and the highest form of literature expounding the creed, discipline and ideals of all the prevailing religions. Geeta is the chapter of Mahabharata, an epic based on a true incident that had occurred in Greater Nepal on the Dwapar Yug, approximately 5,100 years ago. Mahabharata is the war which had occurred in-between Pandavas (defenders of truth) who belong to Nepal and Kauravas (the 100 mischievous brothers) living in Hastinapur, today's Delhi India. Bhagawat Geeta is the classic masterpiece of literature in the entire history of human civilization. It is the outcome of dialogue between Bhagawan Krishna and the archer- Arjun while Bhagawan Krishna convinces Arjun to perform duty as an archer, not to run away from the Mahabharat battlefield. The fight was inevitable for the restoration of righteousness, justice and peace. Sanskrit verse "Ahinsa Parodharma; Dharmahinsa Tathaiwa Cha" which means – Nonviolence is the duty of humankind but killings in order to restore righteousness- justice and peace is the supreme duty of every mankind.

Each book shall cost just Euro 36 // May you order at and enhance the wisdom horizon.

Thank you very much.

Who is Shrestha-Muni ?

A simple man trying to be a human

Now, I left all the business and focused on awakening people for the new world. A yogi, striving to become a world peace ambassador!


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